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Hawaii Gamefish Species

Hawaii Gamefish Species

Check out our popular Fishing Tour to reel in your catch of the day!

What Size Fish Can Be Kept?

Minimum size 3 pounds (sale)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 5 inches
HAR 13-95
‘Ama‘ama‘Ama‘ama (striped mullet)
Closed season December - March
Minimum size 11 inches (see measurement guide)
HAR 13-95, HRS 188-44
Minimum size 9 inches
HAR 13-95
Closed season June - August
Minimum size 11 inches
Bag limit 15
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 14 inches
HAR 13-95
UhuUhu (all species, except as noted below)
Minimum size 10 inches
Bag limit 2 total all species
HAR 13-95
uhu 'ele'eleUhu ‘ele‘ele
No take on Maui
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 total all species
Commercial fishers may take and sell more than 2 ulu ‘ele‘ele with a permit
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
uhu uliuliUhu uliuli
No take on Maui
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 total all species
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
uhu palukalukaUhu pālukaluka
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 (total all species)
Commercial fishers may take and sell more than 2 uhu pālukaluka with a permit
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
uhu 'ahu 'ulaUhu ‘ahu‘ula
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 (total all species)
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
Ulua and papioUlua and pāpio
Minimum size 10 inches
Minimum size 16 inches for sale
Bag limit 20 (total all species, non-commercial only)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 10 inches (statewide except Maui)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 12 inches (Maui rules)
Bag limit 1 (Maui rules)
HAR 13-95.1
Minimum size 7 inches (statewide except Maui)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 8 inches (Maui rules)
HAR 13-95.1
moano_keaMoano kea (Maui rules)
Minimum size 12 inches
Bag limit 2
HAR 13-95.1
munuMunu (Maui rules)
Minimum size 8 inches
Bag limit 2
HAR 13-95.1
Weke and ‘OamaWeke and ‘oama (statewide except Maui)
Minimum size 7 inches (sale)
Bag limit 50 ‘oama (‘oama are weke under 7 inches)
HAR 13-95

Weke ‘ā, weke ‘ula, and ‘oama (Maui rules)
Minimum size 8 inches
Bag limit 50 ‘oama (‘oama are weke under 8 inches)
‘Oama may be taken by hook-and-line only
HAR 13-95.1
weke_nonoWeke nono (Maui rules)
Minimum size 12 inches
HAR 13-95.1
weke4crAll other goatfishes (Maui rules)
Minimum size 8 inches
HAR 13-95.1
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 4
Commercial fishers may take and sell more than 4 kala per day with a permit
HAR 13-95
‘Opelu kalaKala ‘ōpelu
Minimum size 16 inches
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 5 inches
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 6 inches
HAR 13-95
`Ula`ula koa`e‘Ula‘ula koa‘e (onaga)
Minimum size 1 pound (sale)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Minimum size 1 pound (sale)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
`Ula`ula‘Ula‘ula (ehu)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
`Ukikiki‘Ukikiki (gindai)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-94
Minimum size 1 pound (spearing and sale)
HAR 13-95
Akule and HalaluAkule and halalū
Unlawful to take akule under
8-1/2 inches with net July through October, or possess or sell more than 200 pounds of akule under
8-1/2 inches per day from July through October
See additional akule net rules
HAR 13-95
No minimum mesh size;
Unlawful to use animal bait except with hook-and-line in waters of South Kona between Kiilae-Keokea and Kapua-Kaulanamauna boundaries
HAR 13-95
Bag limit one gallon (home consumption);
Nets over 50 feet for commercial use only;
Bait license required for commercial use;
Unlawful to sell or trade dried or cured nehu
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-90, HRS 188-45
Commercial use only, bait license required;
Unlawful to sell or trade dried or cured ‘iao
HAR 13-95, HRS 188-45

Common Fish Species in Hawaiian Waters

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